Poster:  'Beware the cancer quack / A reputable physician does not promise a cure, demand advance payment, advertise'. Gray, black, white, and red. The red is the face of the quack.
Poster of man, composed of composites of patent medicine advertisements, taking a spoonful from a red patent medicine. Text: 'No home remedy or quack doctor ever cured syphilis or gonorrhea /  See your doctor or local health office'
  1. “Beware the cancer quack / A reputable physician does not promise a cure, demand advance payment, advertise” by Max Plattner, Works Progress Administration – Federal Art Project NYC, for the U.S. Public Health Service in cooperation with the American Society for the Control of Cancer, ca. 1936–38, via Library of Congress,
  2. “No home remedy or quack doctor ever cured syphilis or gonorrhea / See your doctor or local health office” by Leonard Karsakov for the United States Public Health Service, ca. 1941, via Library of Congress,