'To enjoy American opportunities become an American citizen.' Educational poster showing a group of people---two men, a woman, and three children in rustic European garb carrying their belongings. They are looking looking at where a big hand is pointing, to the sun radiating American prosperity, that is, the words: 'a better place to live / schools, peace, plenty / wealth and work'. The colors are orange, white, and black, with orange making up the greatest share in order to work with the sun motif.

The notice in the bottom-right corner reads “Copyright 1919, The Stanley Service Co.” According to the Library of Congress Copyright Office’s Catalogue of Copyright Entries for that year, the company in question was the Stanley Industrial Educational Poster Service in Cleveland, Ohio. This provenance suggests to me that employers were being offered this messaging for their workers, even if the artist portrayed the immigrants as fresh arrivals.

Source: Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/95507947/