πŸ“½οΈ “Cloak and Dagger,” dir. Fritz Lang (Warner Bros., 1946), is good as a thriller and as a war film. Unfortunately, it never develops its initial premise, the race to develop the atomic bomb.

Given that the U.S. was the only nuclear power in 1946, emphasizing the transferability of knowledge about weaponized applied nuclear physics would have been politically problematic anyway.

Fighting fascism, however, was a-okay. So were women serving as counterintelligence agents and partisans in this early Atomic Era film. Gary Cooper stars as an American physicist turned agent, who falls for a gun-toting Italian played by Lilli Palmer.

πŸ“½οΈ If you want to watch a thriller set in 1939 before Germany’s invasion of Poland, “Man Hunt,” dir. Fritz Lang (20th Century Fox, 1941), holds up. Only the ending was unsatisfactory, if appropriate to a time when embattled Britain needed Americans to understand what was going on.

😷 Got an email from the hospital in Berlin, NH, saying that masks are currently mandated there again. Encouraging to see the health of their patients take precedence over ideology. ❄️ Got some snow today I hadn’t been expecting, maybe 4 in or 10 cm.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Excellent development: “Ukraine Is Jamming Russian Glide Bombs All Along The Front Line, Erasing One Of Russia’s Main Battlefield Advantages” by David Axe, Forbes, February 26, 2025. www.forbes.com…. “It now takes up to 16 glide bombs to hit one target.”

πŸ“½οΈ Watched “‘Pimpernel’ Smith,” dir. Leslie Howard (British National Films, 1941), which imagines The Scarlet Pimpernel set in Germany in 1939.

Today’s so-called conservatives would do well to read Edmund Burke on the French Revolution. He was conservative. Republicans are merely a weird mix of early-modern iconoclasts and modern-day ideologues intent on remaking the world, no matter the human toll.

We’re going to end up spending many more billions to rebuild much needed governmental functionality than any savings ostensibly netted by Cyberwreck and his incels. And don’t get me started on the broader societal damage, not to mention our diminished and less secure place in the world.

A lot of veterans have (or had) civil service jobs. Do Orange & Cyberwreck think they can mistreat veterans and currently serving military personnel without any repercussions? Good luck trying to issue the latter illegal orders to kill fellow Americans.

Good piece on the role of Black children and youth in the civil rights movement: “Hidden Herstory: The Leesburg Stockade Girls” by Tulani Salahu-Din, National Museum of African American History and Culture, nmaahc.si.edu….

πŸ“½οΈ I am really enjoying Irene Dunne in her old comedies, most recently “Lady in a Jam,” dir. Gregory La Cava (Universal, 1942). It involves a lost fortune and a psychiatrist too sure of his professional knowledge, which he posits has a kind of mathematical accuracy. Love, however, has other ideas.

Spoiler alert! Screenshot of Dunne sitting on her costar's lap at the end of the movie.

Good piece: “The history and resurgence of The Transexual Menace” by Riki Wilchins and Denise Norris, Gay City News, February 25, 2025, gaycitynews.com….πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ—½

Jen Psaki offers a glimmer of hope in the face of Orange & Cyberfruck’s shock and awe program. “Pushback is coming from everywhere” (not just the opposition): youtu.be….

Kamala Harris speaking at the NAACP Image Awards: youtu.be…. This is leadership.

“Theodora Goes Wild,” dir. Richard Boleslawski (Columbia Pictures, 1936) is great fun. It roasts performative morality, gossip, and small-mindedness. The main attraction, though, is Irene Dunne, who soon comes to handle it all with aplomb.

Bumper sticker with Ukrainian blue and yellow with the words, in Ukrainian, that mean, 'Putin go fuck yourself.'

A message to Putin from my car’s rear end. The same goes for his White House asset. #RussiaIsATerroristState #SupportUkraine #SupportHumanRights

Black and white sketch of Black men and women in their Sunday best singing under the guidance of a choir director.

“Spirituals” by Lillien Richter for the Works Progress Administration, ca. 1935–43. Print from engraving, signed by artist, via NYPL Digital Collections, image 5179325.

πŸ“Ί I really enjoy the U.S. iteration of “Have I Got News For You.” Roy Wood Jr., the host, is brilliant. I was missing Amber Ruffin, a team captain on the show, after her short-lived show on Peacock. And this is my introduction to Michael Ian Black, the other team captain. Great fun.

If the FDP doesn’t make it back into the Bundestag, and if Scholz is gone, maybe this early election will have been worth it. Much will depend on how much pragmatism the CDU/CSU and the SPD can muster. The only party in the incumbent coalition not to get completely hammered are the capable Greens.

Do I dare check the election news from Germany? Lots of opportunities to chip away at support for Ukraine on the left and the right.πŸ˜¬πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦β€‚#RussiaIsATerroristState

The way “Suffragette” depicts the use of social pressure to make and then ostracize a working class suffragette, drive her out of her home, lead the father to give up their child… Yikes! This film should inspire productive classroom discussions.

“Make Ukraine Guilty Again” – short cartoon by Freeonis, youtu.be…. Turn on closed captions for English subtitles.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦