I’ve eliminated a lot of categories that I’d rather keep as tags, if my host Micro.blog had tags. While I wait to see if that ever changes, I need to reduce the number of categories still further. I had let their number grow because of the lack of tags, but it’s time to rein them in a bit.
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I did a massive category purge a couple of years ago - and still got too many - that said - The 'Search' Plugin by @sod is really REALLY good ...
🖇️ like this ... or 🖇️ this.
Not totally obvious for the casual visitor - but invaluable to find your own posts AND if you link to the search with the term predefined - like my new 'Inspired By People' series - it works very well if you utilise a template like🖇️ this as you post.

@JohnPhilpin Linking search terms is an interesting take, though also extra work.

its certainly not as easy as tags - but keeps categories down for a fixed series.