Black and white photo: Young, dark-haired,  white woman in short-sleeved dress, squatting, knees together, left hand in lap, right elbow on knee with right hand on cheek. She is looking at a giant map on the floor, which she is standing on.

European situation spoils map on Post Office department floor. Washington, D.C., April 12. The huge map on the floor of the Post Office Department here is all out of kilter these days due to the aggression in Europe. Many are the embarrassing questions being asked officials about when Mr. Farley is going to do something about Ethiopia, Austria and Czechoslovakia. The answer so far has been - nothing. Probably the Post Office is waiting to see what will happen next on the continent. Miss Edna Strain is inspecting the damage done by the ambitious dictators. 4-12-39

Image and caption: Harris & Ewing Collection, Library of Congress,