I've been working through more journals, putting interesting articles and reviews in my bibliography database and reading the things. It might be faster just to search databases for what I'm interested in, which I also have to do, of course, but browsing many issues of a journal offers a helpful overview of what's going on in the scholarship more broadly. I still have to pick and choose from the huge mass of offerings, but at least this way I see things that I likely never would have looked for otherwise.

I'm doing most of my data entry and sorting on my iMac with Bookends from Sonny Software, and I'm reading and reviewing on my iPad though the new Bookends on Tap, which syncs with the Mac nicely. And I've got the Mac database on Dropbox, in case I need to add or reference something from the office.

One valuable benefit of otherwise rather poorly paid adjunct teaching is the access I get to periodical literature online through the university library that is not available through my institute. But I'm finding that I'll still need to visit Lauinger Library at Georgetown for some things, too. Fortunately, that's only a thirty-minute walk from here, half of that through the woods, which can do this sedentary body good.