It’s the end of a long day, or rather the beginning of a new one, if the passing of midnight means anything. Two squash pies are doing their thing in the oven. These were long in the making. I washed a bunch of dishes and cooked the squash this morning. Usually I make the pies for Thanksgiving with canned pumpkin, but we had the biodynamic squash from our farm share, so I did it the old-fashioned way. This included washing and laying out the seeds to dry. (They’ll make a good snack.) Afterwards, I did my weekly food run to Bethesda, where my CSA is. This evening I filled in for someone at LADO, where I’m teaching English to non-native speakers. Then I came back home, took a break, and began converting the cooked squash into two pies. I have leftover pie mixture too, so I’ll make more tomorrow or Friday.

In case you’re wondering, I used a recipe called Dolly’s Pumpkin Pie in Uprisings: The Whole Grain Bakers’ Book (p. 199). This is the same book that taught me how to bake whole grain bread.