After election night, a few hours’ sleep, and a fourteen-hour Wednesday (not including the late-night trip home from work I’m now on), I’m too tired to write a fresh blog post. Nonetheless, I’d like to share some of my impressions from election night shortly after McCain’s and Obama’s speeches. Here are two comments I wrote at one online forum. The first was on a thread from a guy convinced that Obama is really a socialist. The other was on an upbeat thread asking what Obama’s election meant for America. I share them here, because maybe at some point I will want to remember what I was thinking on that first night.

McCain gave an excellent speech tonight. I hope all his supporters listen to it closely. I hope they listen to Obama’s too. New chapter, folks. Time to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

Obama gave a good speech yesterday that pointed to the tough challenges ahead of us. Instead of triumphalism he talked about the long road ahead. This attitude was clear from his voice and body language too. This is the kind of leadership I have been hoping for. No promises of fast and easy solutions. Just hard work for all of us.

Yes, the campaign is over, and I can start thinking about other things again, like making a living.