Hillary Clinton likes to talk about her years of experience and how she will be ready for office from day one, should she win the Democratic nomination and then make it all the way to the White House. If she wins the nomination, I’ll vote for her, but I’m not buying the argument that Obama has not demonstrated some good leadership skills. Take, for instance, his and Clinton’s respective presidential campaigns, which are non-trivial operations. Obama emerged from Super Tuesday in a dead heat with Clinton and then managed to bring about an impressive string of consecutive wins. Clinton, by contrast, has slipped. In Friday’s Christian Science Monitor, Linda Feldmann writes,

What happened? On Clinton’s part, her straits represent a massive failure of planning and organization, analysts say. Her campaign operated on the assumption she would have the nomination effectively locked up with the 22 contests on Feb. 5, and it spent accordingly. The lack of a Plan B has left her scrambling for cash and organizing late in the post-Super Tuesday contests.

This situation says something significant about Clinton’s and Obama’s respective leadership skills. Now if only Michelle Obama would stop saying that her husband is the first reason she ever had to be proud of her country.