I edit texts in history and related fields for nonnative and native speakers alike. I also translate such texts from German into English. To determine whether I might be an appropriate editor or translator for your project, please have a look at my portfolio and testimonials.
My basic rate for editing is currently 50.00 to 60.00 USD per hour, depending on the job. Rush orders might cost more, depending on my availability.
The time it takes me to edit will depend on how well prepared the text is, how difficult it is, and how much you expect of me in terms of specialized formatting (citations, tables) and the like.
To obtain an estimate, please email me the text, and tell me about the intended audience or venue, the level of attention you expect the text will require, and by when you will need it. If you would like to talk or videochat, please include the necessary details. My own preference is Signal.
For translations from German to English, I follow the German practice of charging by the so-called standard line (Normzeile) of 55 characters, including spaces, in the German source text. This practice is meant to make your costs more predictable than is possible with an hourly rate.
My rate for a standard line is generally between 2.00 and 2.25 USD, depending on how challenging the text is and how fast you need it.
For a rate quote, please email me the text, and tell me about the intended audience or venue as well as the desired completion date. If you would like to talk or videochat, please include the necessary details. My own preference is Signal.
I no longer participate in competitive bidding that public institutions use in Germany. Even when that process accounts for qualifications and experience, the formulas used tend to favor the lowest price by a native speaker. They do not account for the kind of dual competencies required for difficult historiographical and historical texts.
Terms of Service
- I will endeavor to answer all editing and translation requests within two business days. If the job is very big and requires a closer look, I’ll let the client know how much time I’ll need to send an editing cost estimate or translation price.
- If the client can only send me a sample chapter for an editing estimate, please note that my estimate cannot account for issues in the chapters that I have not yet seen.
- If the client can only send me a sample chapter for a translation quote, I will not be able to commit to the price I quote until I have seen the entire text, i.e., all the chapters and associated apparatus.
- Upon the client’s acceptance of my offer, I will summarize our agreement, including the delivery and payment details, for the client to review and confirm.
- Payments will be due in full upon receipt of the edited or translated text. For bigger projects, such as books, I reserve the right to invoice the client after each chapter I deliver. For clients I don’t know either personally or by professional reputation, I might also require a deposit.
- For clients in Europe, payment will generally be via bank transfer in EUR to the European account on my invoice. Clients in the United States can transfer USD to the American account I include on the invoice. By prior arrangement, clients can alternatively use Venmo, PayPal, or a similar method.
- These terms are a work in progress. I reserve the right to update them as new questions arise.
Last updated: February 15, 2025