I do not collect any personal information except what you might share if you were to contact me. At the same time, I could not run this site without the following third-party services. Here is what I can tell you about them.

Web Host

This site is hosted by Micro.blog. According to their privacy policy, they “log a visitor’s IP address, web browser version, and requested path” on blogs people visit, and they keep these records for two months. No cookies are involved, unless you decide to sign in to Micro.blog itself, in which case an identifying cookie is used.

Visitor Statistics

I recently started using GoatCounter, which is GDPR conformant. See their privacy notice for details.

DNS Resolution, Proxy, and Site Security

This site uses Cloudflare in the background to get people safely to their desired page. Whatever data Cloudflare is able to aggregate is not combined to identify who you are, nor is it sold to other parties. Meanwhile, I can only see how many page requests (human or otherwise) come from a given country in a certain time span. (See the Cloudflare Privacy Policy, for the relevant legalese in which visitors to this site are called “end users.")

Third-Party Content

This website uses local fonts, i.e., those already on your device. No requests to a third party for fonts are made.

The Font Awesome icons I’ve started using in some parts of the site are stored on the Micro.blog server. No outside requests are made.

I used to have embedded YouTube content, but I recently removed these embeds. In their place I have set screenshots and links, in case you want to visit YouTube itself. Reason: I have no control over YouTube’s cookies, and I don’t want to set up GDPR notices on my site in order to cover for their behavior.

The Internet Archive, which holds videos and many other kinds of content, collects no personal data from users who are not logged in. Here is their privacy policy.

Bandcamp music embeds seem unproblematic, whereby I cannot find specific reference to tracking (or not) of non-customers, that is, of people not logged into their site. Here are their terms.


My email is hosted and encrypted by the privacy-focused ProtonMail.

Last updated: October 23, 2024