Below are the history courses I have taught in and around Washington, DC, in the past twenty years or so. See also the teaching category on my blog.

Courses at George Mason University, since 2006

Hist 100: Western Civilization

I taught many different versions of this course between 2006 and 2013. Trained in European history and with only one semester to work with each time, I tended to focus on the early modern and modern eras, although I sometimes ranged further back. Here are some syllabus samples:

Hist 314: History of Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Each iteration of this course has been different, too, as I continue to learn and as our own times and needs change:

Other Courses at Mason

Courses at Georgetown University, 2000–2009

  • Hist 033: Themes in European Civilization I
  • Hist 034: Themes in European Civilization II
  • Hist 332: War and Society in Modern Europe