
  • Freelance Editor and Translator, since 2020
  • Editor, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, 2010–2020
  • Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Mason University, 2006–2017
  • Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, 2000–2009
  • Teacher of English for Speakers of Other Languages in Munich, Augsburg, and Washington, DC, 1990–2010

Military Service

  • United States Army, 3/35 Field Artillery, Peden Barracks, Germany, 1983–1987




Editorial (English) and Translation (German to English)

  • Copyediting, line-editing, proofreading, big-picture reading to offer constructive criticism, developmental editing
  • Copywriting
  • Understanding texts in context (historical, reading, publishing); making connections across disparate subjects
  • Identifying and using dictionary and other context-appropriate resources for a particular project
  • Managing multi-authored projects, assessing and offering advice about copyright and publisher requirements
  • Seeing connections between chapters in an edited volume, articles in a special journal issue, and posts on an academic blog; working with authors to highlight these connections in order to give heterogeneous works more cohesion
  • Translation of contemporary and historical texts
  • Editing translations
  • Reading knowledge of French with dictionary
  • Word, Adobe Reader, and other assorted desktop and online tools for editing, submitting corrected page proofs, bibliographies, and so on


  • Scholarly communication, academic blogging, social media engagement outside siloed platforms
  • Web Development: Wordpress, Omeka, HTML, CSS, and Markdown


  • Teaching history survey courses and seminars to people with varying levels of prior experience and differing degrees of interest, from the required survey course to upper-level and graduate courses
    • Taught subject matter, historical thinking, critical reading, source analysis, writing, and research in varying proportions, depending on the class
    • Research, depending on the class, including for surveys of secondary literature, of available primary sources, for Wikipedia pages (when Wikipedia was young), and for research papers
    • Mixed format courses (lectures and discussions); seminars
  • Teaching English to working adults of varying ages and educational and linguistic backgrounds, always striving to provide a framework in which they used the language more than their teacher did

Last updated: October 30, 2024