Politics & Rule

    Bumper sticker with Ukrainian blue and yellow with the words, in Ukrainian, that mean, 'Putin go fuck yourself.'

    A message to Putin from my car’s rear end. The same goes for his White House asset. #RussiaIsATerroristState #SupportUkraine #SupportHumanRights

    If the FDP doesn’t make it back into the Bundestag, and if Scholz is gone, maybe this early election will have been worth it. Much will depend on how much pragmatism the CDU/CSU and the SPD can muster. The only party in the incumbent coalition not to get completely hammered are the capable Greens.

    Do I dare check the election news from Germany? Lots of opportunities to chip away at support for Ukraine on the left and the right.😬🇺🇦 #RussiaIsATerroristState

    The way “Suffragette” depicts the use of social pressure to make and then ostracize a working class suffragette, drive her out of her home, lead the father to give up their child… Yikes! This film should inspire productive classroom discussions.

    From Maine: “Governor Mills’ Statement on Notice of Investigation From U.S. Department of Education,” www.maine.gov….

    No President – Republican or Democrat – can withhold Federal funding authorized and appropriated by Congress and paid for by Maine taxpayers in an attempt to coerce someone into compliance with his will. It is a violation of our Constitution and of our laws, which I took an oath to uphold.

    🏳️‍⚧️ The U.S. federal government has opened public comments on its dehumanizing passport regulations vis-à-vis trans people. These comments will be public, so weigh carefully how much, if any, personal information you can safely include.

    There are three different parts to this, but they’re all about passports. I provided the same comment for each.


    'When you're famous, they let you . . .'

    “When you’re famous, they let you grab ‘em by the pussy,” bragged a choad from Queens. But in 2020–21 we didn’t let him. He lost the election and his coup too.

    Now the butthurt swine is fucking the entire country. He’s letting Musk and Putin have a go too.

    “When you’re famous, they let you do it. If they don’t, you must do it anyway. You must say it’s all their fault because they didn’t negotiate, I mean, submit.”

    “Now stop complaining, Republican senators. Say Daddy’s name like you mean it! You, too, Ukraine. You know you want it!”

    The U.S.–Russia talks in Saudi Arabia have proven once again that Ukraine is ground zero for the war against democracy. Unfortunately, the U.S. doesn’t give a rat’s ass about democracy—or ethnic cleansing or genocide. We’ve done evil before, but never so openly, stridently, or proudly.

    The pope is ill. Who will Orange Ogre replace him with? Perchance himself?   /sarcasm

    The federal government is now using force to suppress knowledge of the history of violence against Black people. Remembering the past is too painful for these weak tyrants, so they tyrannize the brave who would teach or learn it.

    Who’s going to be the first cabinet member to go? Rubio because of the impossible negotiating position his boss and colleagues have placed him in? Hegseth because he looks even weaker and dumber than his boss on the international stage? Or will a natural or manmade disaster cost another their head?

    A barrage of stupid is making it nearly impossible to see or think clearly, let alone argue cogently and persuade. M. Gessen offers a helpful diagnosis in their latest, but how do we, the collective patient, develop a cure?"

    Make America a reviled laughingstock! MAARL isn’t as catchy as MAGA, but it’s more accurate. And it captures something of the vomiting sound so many of us are making.

    Felonious Husk underlings fire bird flu, not realizing it is a crucial ally in their effort to destroy the country.

    The plot of “The Manchurian Candidate” relied on a convoluted brainwashing technique to get an American to attack his own country. Who knew that a simple venal carnival barker from Queens and a lunatic South African fan of Apartheid and Nazism could achieve a much more impressive result?

    Let the great eugenicist experiment begin! RFK Jr.’s terrifying Senate confirmation puts the U.S. withdrawal from the WHO in a foul new light. Ditto Felonious Husk’s freezing of USAID funds.

    It must be rough to have many billions but to not know love, friendship, or respect.

    Diplomacy 101: Orange Oaf’s threats are going to lose their value as fast as Putin’s nuclear saber rattling has. It sure would be nice if Orangina deigned to surround himself with people in possession of expertise and experience.

    Orange Oaf is setting up a mediocre cadre of leaders who will only tell him YES. And why not? This approach has been working out real well for the bare-chested judoist of the Kremlin, who’s losing hundreds of thousands in Ukraine.

    Translations from MAGA to English:

    • merit – good-for-nothing
    • meritocracy – mediocracy
    • patriot – sucker
    • taxpayer – sucker

    It’s hard to look at the coming constitutional crisis and not think of Prussia’s constitutional crisis of 1858–64. But instead of Bismarck, we’ve got Boris and Natasha role-playing leaders.

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