My Photos
- My mother enjoying flowers and the arrival of spring at Weston’s Farm in Freyburg, Maine.
- Slabs of granite in the woods next to the upper section of Diana’s Baths.
- A view of the water and granite at Diana’s Baths.
- Sand dunes in Barnstable, MA. Was taking a break after driving to Cape Cod to see my wife, my son, and my son’s family.
More fall colors

There is a lot of red pine in this area. The tree bark is fairly distinctive. (4/4)

Heading back down, so no more sun on the ground. (3/4)

From the same walk. More sun is visible because I gained elevation (2/4)

Seen on my walk late this afternoon. (1/4)

Boulder Loop Trail
Here is one of countless granite boulders that I saw in the woods while on the Boulder Loop Trail two days ago. I’ve posted twelve snapshots of this granite to Pixelfed.
A German hashtag phenomenon I ran across on Mastodon and Bluesky recently is #FotoVorschlag (photo suggestion). The idea is to post one’s own photo based on the day’s keyword from @[email protected] or Today’s was “Bach,” which is not only the name of a composer but also German for “brook” or “stream.” I took the first photo here near Diana’s Baths in North Conway and Bartlett, NH, on May 22, 2023. It shows a trail that had been turned into a stream by the rains, which cleared the earth, leaves, and pine needles from the granite.
I took the second photo this afternoon near Pudding Pond in North Conway. The marshy areas near this spot are apparently beaver stomping grounds, as you can see from all the gnawing they did on this tree.Here’s another bit of decor that I added to the car last week.
<img src=“" width=“600” height=“310” alt=“Bumper sticker with Ukrainian flag colors and an overlay text telling Putin to go fuck himself: “Путін іди нахуй”">
I decorated the car today. 🏳️⚧️

Sign of Life
My last post was of snow and now August is almost over? Yikes!
After commuting thousands of miles between DC and New Hampshire since my father’s passing, I’ve spent the summer in New Hampshire. The marathon driving sessions wear on me, so I’ve been avoiding them.
The driving was because I haven’t found a good way to have my mother live alone for more than a few weeks at a time. I haven’t worked out a strategy for getting her help while preserving as much of her independence as possible. So I’ve been the help.
Maybe that’s a good thing, even if it often feels like I’m treading water. During my father’s final months, everything had to be about him. Now I’m able to take the time to work out my mother’s specific needs, even as she works out the business of living as a widow after more than sixty-five years of marriage.
Besides, a health issue has come up that we have to deal with.
(All photos by author)
New Hampshire Winter
In-home and residential care options for octogenarians have become extremely limited in these trying times, so I’ve been spending the last quarter of 2021 at my parents' in the White Mountains. This will continue into 2022. I miss DC, but it’s not like I can take advantage of the city’s rich research and cultural resources during this never-ending pandemic.
Photos taken in North Conway, New Hampshire, by author.