In the United States, “January 1, 2025 is Public Domain Day: Works from 1929 are open to all, as are sound recordings from 1924!" by Jennifer Jenkins and James Boyle, Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain.
This informative piece takes you through the author’s discovery process when he was shown an email copyright threat: “Beware of Copyright Infringement Link Insertion Scams” by Adam Engst, TidBITS, November 13, 2024.
What Can We Do about LLMs on Our Independent Websites?
The following post appeared in my Mastodon timeline this morning:
As of today, MacStories is disallowing all known AI crawlers, including ChatGPT and Applebot. If you want to read our site, you should use a web browser or RSS.
Federico Viticci, June 13, 2023
This pronouncement could, indeed, is being made by countless others who run independent websites. Questions and anxiety abound, but we are nowhere close to fashioning responses adequate to the current moment. A visceral sense of violation, of wrong, is hitting many of us, who have long since had enough of Silicon Valley, Madison Avenue, and all the rest treating the traces we leave online as a natural resource to extract value from. Yesterday, the above-quoted observer on Mastodon reported, “I was grossed out when I read that Applebot scraped ‘the open web’ to train their AI model…”