
    Tata Kepler, a Ukrainian volunteer and activist, gave a powerful address to the European Parliament on International Women’s Day. She centered it on the stories of individual women and girls she’s worked with and can’t forget.… (13 min.) 🇺🇦

    Italian fascist propaganda poster depicting Churchill and Roosevelt, both holding pistols, over a city in ruins and dead children, with a pirate flag in the background. A caption at the bottom reads 'Su loro ricade la colpa!'(On them rests the blame!)

    This Italian fascist poster prefigures the disgusting rhetoric of Putin and Trump: “On them rests the blame!” by Gino Boccasile, ca. 1942–45.

    Via David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University,

    Bumper sticker with Ukrainian blue and yellow with the words, in Ukrainian, that mean, 'Putin go fuck yourself.'

    A message to Putin from my car’s rear end. The same goes for his White House asset. #RussiaIsATerroristState #SupportUkraine #SupportHumanRights

    Ethnic cleansing as daring do—if Orange Donald’s own country doesn’t move to try him and his collaborators in the end, other countries will.

    “Review and Evaluation—Tulsa Race Massacre,” by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, January 10, 2025.

    In 1921, white Tulsans murdered hundreds of residents of Greenwood, burned their homes and churches, looted their belongings, and locked the survivors in internment camps. Until this day, the Justice Department has not spoken publicly about this race massacre or officially accounted for the horrific events that transpired in Tulsa. This report breaks that silence by rigorous examination and a full accounting of one of the darkest episodes of our nation’s past. This report lays bare new information and shows that the massacre was the result not of uncontrolled mob violence, but of a coordinated, military-style attack on Greenwood.

    – Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, quoted in press release, “Justice Department Announces Results of Review and Evaluation of the Tulsa Race Massacre,” January 10, 2025.

    Propaganda poster illustrating falling bombs from a plane bearing swastikas above a picture of a frightened mother and child. Background is pink. Spanish text is red. the bombs, plane, mother, and child are in varying shades of black. Spanish text: '¡Acusamos de asesinos a los facciosos! Niños y mujeres caen inocentes. Hombres libres, repudiad a todos los que apoyen en la retaguardia al fascismo. He aqui las victimas.'

    Poster from the Spanish Civil War, ca. 1936–39. The main text reads, “We charge the rebels as assassins! Innocent children and women die. Free men, repudiate all those who support fascism in the rearguard.” The text, bottom right, with the arrow pointing at the mother and child reads, “Here are the victims.” Note, too, the black and red triangle of the Anarchists in the lower right-hand corner.

    Source of image and main text translation: Special Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, This page also offers historical context and analysis.

    “Russia is executing more and more Ukrainian prisoners of war” (December 21, 2024),…

    We sometimes describe aggressors as “brainwashed” by propaganda that dehumanizes their victims, so much so they are “hypnotized” into committing atrocities. But what if the “dehumanising” propaganda rather legitimizes cruelty, makes it ordinary, and the aggressor sees the victims' humanity all too clearly?

    – Peter Pomerantsev, How to Win an Information War: The Propagandist Who Outwitted Hitler (PublicAffairs 2024), chap. 4.

    I watched “Passage to Marseille,” dir. Michael Curtiz (Warner Bros., 1944), this evening.

    I forgot about the shocking scene in which Humphrey Bogart’s character machine-guns the surviving crew of the German plane he’d just downed at sea. The audience in 1944 was meant to sympathize with this act. After all, that crew had just tried to bomb the small civilian freighter. I don’t know if such a scene would have worked in a Hollywood film much earlier, but it did in 1944. Was this fictional atrocity an indication of American popular culture’s brutalization in World War II?

    Black and white image of movie release poster, landscape orientation, shows heads of all the movies' stars.

    Movie poster image source: “Warner Bros. Pressbook” (1944), Internet Archive.

    🇵🇸🇮🇱 Here’s a gruesome report of the dire conditions in northern Gaza at +972 Magazine, “an independent, online, nonprofit” publication “run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists.”

    🇺🇦 “How Russian Forces Hunted People in The Bucha Massacre,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, YouTube, Nov 19, 2024 (29 min)—compelling reporting based on a thorough look at diverse sources.

    This is the exclusive story of Oleksiy Pobihay, a Ukrainian territorial defense fighter whose body was discovered at the site of an abandoned Russian military headquarters in Bucha. With his hands bound and a bullet wound in his head, Pobihay was among hundreds murdered during the Bucha massacre. This atrocity, which unfolded during the Russian military occupation in April 2022, has become emblematic of the war and the brutal killings perpetrated by Russian forces.

    Through phone intercepts, previously unpublished videos, documents, and witness statements, ‪@RadioSvobodaUkraine‬ has pieced together the chilling story of what happened in Bucha.

    The principle that a commander has an obligation to punish war crimes by his subordinates is not a progressive development of the law promoted by the advocacy community. Instead, the duty to punish stands out as an ancient legal norm interwoven into the domestic law of the United States and which the United States has incorporated into international legal instruments.

    Brian Finucane, “U.S. Recognition of a Commander’s Duty to Punish War Crimes,” International Law Studies 97 (2021)

    Russia is intent on eradicating the Ukrainian language and all aspects of Ukrainian identity, with young Ukrainians a particular target.

    Halya Coynash

    In the name of civilization, rebellious villages would be burned to the ground.

    – Deborah Cohen, Last Call at the Hotel Imperial, chap. 3.

    Written in connection with one of her protagonist’s reporting on the Syrian Rebellion in 1926.

    Russia has been testing drones and training their pilots with attacks on Ukrainian civilians in Beryslav (Kherson Oblast). Good investigative reporting by DW Documentary.

    With its massive air attack today, Russia offers still more convincing arguments for lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Western-provided missiles. It’s high time we attended to Russia’s actions instead of its bluster.

    “Scientists identify victim of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in mass grave” (Washington Post)

    Death, destruction, refugeehood, humanitarian crises – those are the things we’re used to accepting as part of the reality of war… But in Gaza I also saw the death of the human soul. The Gazans are zombies. Death of souls on that scale, psychological wreckage at that level, I’ve never seen anywhere. At a certain point, I went through Rafah, and the streets were filled with refugee tents, and people, and booths, and there were hardly any vehicles, because there’s no fuel, so transportation is via carts and donkeys, and people move between them slowly. It took us two hours to cover a distance that normally would take 10 minutes. And all this time I looked at the faces of the people who were passing by us and I was shocked because they just looked dead.

    Arwa Damon, quoted in “As a CNN War Reporter, Arwa Damon Thought She Had Seen Everything. Then She Went to Gaza” by Shany Littman, Haaretz, June 21, 2024.

     Articles behind paywalls can often be found cached on

    Images of Returned POWs

    I just saw images in The Telegraph of emaciated Ukrainian POWs recently traded back from Russia. These stark images were taken after the men had regained some 10 kilograms of their lost weight. If you look closely, you’ll actually see life in the photographed eyes. How did the same eyes and severely weakened bodies look before the exchange?

    Starved and no contact with the International Red Cross—I’m trying to grasp what this intentionally extreme mistreatment means. After all, the Ukrainians are holding Russians. As far as I know, food as such is not in short supply in Russia. Was this the result of extreme mistreatment in one location? Or was it more widespread, systematic? Was it about torture with specific mission-related objectives? Was it zeal, resentment, sadism, corruption, indifference? Will this have any impact on Russian POWs in Ukraine? Or will Ukraine’s leadership continue striving to keep the higher ground?

    Reading about Netanyahu's Clusterfuck of a War

    "Amid the Fighting in Gaza, the Bitter War Between Netanyahu and Israel's Generals Is Intensifying" by Anshel Pfeffer, Haaretz, June 17, 2024.

    "Netanyahu and the IDF Top Brass Fight Over Gaza Cease-fire While Spiraling Towards Total War With Hezbollah" by Amos Harel, Haaretz, June 16, 2024.

    Anshel Pfeffer’s analysis draws on the time-tested framework of civil-military relations. First and foremost, there is the conflict between the prime minister and his generals. Netanyahu is right to insist on the primacy of civilian political control of the army, but he has apparently never learned the value of taking counsel from his generals. Worse, he is resorting to using a stab-in-the-back conspiracy theory about the generals. People familiar with fascist takeovers will get very uncomfortable with this rhetoric.

    Besides the conflict between the civilian and military leadership, there is the army itself, the IDF, whose ranks include conscripts and men and women called back because of their obligations in the reserves. There might be people who escape military service in Israel, but its army is more closely linked to civilian society than any in countries that use all-volunteer professional militaries. That places limits on how irresponsibly it can be used.

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    Reading about Evidence of Russia Using Starvation as a Weapon in its War on Ukraine

    "New Report: 'Deliberate Pattern' of Starvation Tactics against Ukrainian Civilians by Russian Forces in Siege of Mariupol City" by Global Rights Compliance, June 13, 2024. (Summary in Ukrainian followed by English)

    Full report in English (PDF)"The Hope Left Us": Russia’s Siege, Starvation, and Capture of Mariupol City

    Full report in Ukrainian (PDF)"Надія залишила нас": Облога, моріння голодом і захоплення Маріуполя Росією

    I still need to process this report, but its outline already lines up with the reporting presented in the prize-winning Frontline/AP documentary, “20 Days in Mariupol” (available in full on the Internet Archive). Its chapters include:

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